I'm always seeking ways of making money and look forward to sharing them with you. Join me on my quest to the pot of gold at the end of the internet rainbow!
Posted By Tony on March 5th, 2010

Hey guys, I’ve introduced Swagbucks to you guys in the past and here I am again, giving you an update on Swagbucks. Swagbucks just had its 3-year anniversary and with it came a load of updates. Swagbucks continues to provide a search function for its user, but you also get PAID for searching. As you […]


Cashcrate Offers New Payment Method

Posted By Tony on July 31st, 2009

Cashcrate has always been a leading competitor in the GPT industry. And it has always prided itself in being very fair with it’s customer as well as providing the utmost in customer service. I’ve been a member for quite a while, but the one thing that turned me off from doing more with my member ship was it’s payment types. At the time, Cashcrate only offered check as its payment method, but today, Cashcrate announced that it will be adding direct deposit as a payment method. Here’s the full post:

We’re adding Direct Deposit as a new payment method that will be available to Silver+ members starting on Monday. This is a great way to get paid faster–rather than waiting for a check to arrive, you can choose to have your CashCrate payment deposited directly into your bank account!

Starting on Monday, all US members with a referral level of Silver and higher will be able to select the new payment method under ‘My Account’. Simply enter your Direct Deposit information through our secure server and your payment will be processed this way automatically starting in August. This includes earnings for July, so you’ll have about one week to make sure your information is entered and up-to-date. Enjoy!

This is great news! Now you won’t have to deal with cashing checks in every month and it allows those living in multiple locales, such as myself, easier access to our money. The prospect of reaching Silver member (50+ Referrals) might seem daunting at first, but let me be the first to iterate that when you get down to it, it really isn’t that hard to increase your referrals. If there’s enough interest I would be happy to write a post on the subject that netted me over 2000 referrals on one of my GPT sites.

Thanks a bunch for reading and if you like what you’re reading, please subscribe to my blog!

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Posted in GPT, News

7 Responses to “Cashcrate Offers New Payment Method”

  1. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. Yes swagbucks is great.. I can’t wait to cash out. I might actually get a couple of Amazon Gift Cards as well.. how long did you take to receive them and how did you get them, by email or regular mail?

    Anyway, keep up the great work on your blog. I get the impression that you’re putting alot of effort into it and I’m sure it’ll pay off for you in the long run.

    Take care.. oh and I love the new Direct Deposit option on Cashcrate too!

    TriNi @ make money online free

    • Tony says:

      Hey TriNi,
      I’m glad you enjoyed my blog! If you do plan on cashing out the Amazon Gift cards (Or any of the low denomination gift cards) I’d recommend you start early, since SwagBucks only allows you to redeem 2 items per day, so I had to do this for ~2 weeks to redeem all $90 in gift cards.

      The Amazon Gift cards were e-cards, so they were not physical. Swagbucks just puts them into your account. You can view your gift cards under “My Account” and the code should show up there. It took between 10-14 days for my gift cards to show up. But I wasn’t really in a hurry, since school doesn’t start until the end of August. =)

      Thanks for stopping by,

  2. ricardo says:

    hey i think Cashcrate is an awesome site to make money for doing quick surveys i received my first check the very next month and i earned over $100, to be exact $140 and i only did surveys for about 30 minutes a day if you put more effort to it you can earn more! go to Cashcrate now!

  3. Polprav says:

    Hello from Russia!
    Can I quote a post in your blog with the link to you?

  4. reading on my new iphone!!

  5. sam says:

    i heard of this site called cash crate for people to get money from doingfree trials of things and surveys. i was wondering from people who have experience with it if its a scam. it sounds good..so wheres the catch?do you get a lot of junk mail and stuff? do you have to pay to sign up?thanks for your help

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