Hey guys, I’ve introduced Swagbucks to you guys in the past and here I am again, giving you an update on Swagbucks. Swagbucks just had its 3-year anniversary and with it came a load of updates. Swagbucks continues to provide a search function for its user, but you also get PAID for searching. As you […]
Posts Tagged ‘featured’
Swagbucks 3.0 is HERE!
Hey guys, I’ve introduced Swagbucks to you guys in the past and here I am again, giving you an update on Swagbucks. Swagbucks just had its 3-year anniversary and with it came a load of updates.
Swagbucks continues to provide a search function for its user, but you also get PAID for searching. As you search, you accumulate Swagbucks that can be redeemed for a variety of gifts. Personally, I am a fan of the $5 Amazon gift cards, since you can always count on Amazon to have whatever you’re looking for.
For those of you that already have Swagbucks accounts, Swagbucks recently multiplied all of their Swagbucks by a factor of 10. This means that everything in the store costs 10x what it used to, your account balance is worth 10x what it used to, and you earn 10x more Swagbucks. So how does this effect you? It doesn’t. This is purely a marketing scheme invoked by Swagbucks to make it seem like the end user is earning more bucks at a time.
Most importantly, Swagbucks announced that it will be introducing games that reward users bucks for playing. This is great news, as it gives us another method for earning points.
Are you interested in joining Swagbucks? If so click here and you’ll be on your way to the riches.
Thanks a bunch for reading and if you like what you’re reading, please subscribe to my blog!
Lockerz February Redemption! A New Policy?
Woof! It’s been a while since I’ve written anything on here, but here I am! With the end of a grueling semester I’m back to updating you guys on the ins and outs of Lockerz. If you’ve missed out on the monthly redemptions so far, Lockerz is having another one for the month of February. This time, they’re having a four part redemption process. These redemptions are broken up into 3 “Member Appreciation Redemptions” and 1 “General Redemption”.
We’ll start out with the general redemption. This is what you guys are already used to. Another redemption at the end of the month that thousands of users worldwide will be vigilantly waiting to click their favorite items. This is nice, but if you’re like me, then you probably haven’t had the best luck in redeeming that item that you’ve always wanted.
This brings in Lockerz’s quick fix for the situation–Member Appreciation Redemptions. So how do these work? Well, in short, users are allowed to pay points in order to get a chance at redeeming during these 3 “special” redemptions. With one additional redemption costing 100 points, 2 250 points, and 3 350 points. WOAH!?!?!! Paying for additional redemptions?!!?! Is this ethical? I’ll let you marinate on that while I present you with the details first.
Where will the Member Appreciation Redemption take place?
PTZPlace.lockerz.com. Members can log in directly or through www.lockerz.com through PTZ Place.
What is a wave?
A wave is a set time period when prizes are restocked and available to redeem on Lockerz.com.
How many prizes can I redeem in the Member Appreciation Redemption?
You can redeem one prize in total, not one per wave. If you redeem a prize, you will be unable to redeem in any additional waves for February, including the general redemption, which we plan to have before the end of the month.
Do I have a better chance at redeeming in the Member Appreciation Redemption or in the general Redemption?
Your chances are much higher in the Member Appreciation Redemption as we anticipate significantly fewer members competing, and there will be three waves and chances vs. the one wave in the general redemption.
So if I use my PTZ in advance, I will definitely get my prize.
No, you are not guaranteed a prize. As in all previous redemptions, prizes are still subject to availability and the most popular items go quickly.
If I don’t get the prize I wanted in the three waves, can I get my PTZ refunded?
Sorry, no. While using your PTZ to gain access to this special Member Appreciation Redemption does significantly increase your chances, we cannot guarantee the prize you want will be available.
When and how can I participate in the Feb. 25th Member Appreciation Redemption?
You can sign up to participate on February 18th, between 9:00 – 10:00 p.m. EST for 24 hours. It will close on Feb 19 between 9:00 – 10:00 p.m. EST. If you want to participate in these special redemption waves, you must take advantage of this opportunity and buy chances on Feb. 18. We will not offer these chances at a later date.
What if I don’t participate in the Member Appreciation Redemption event? Can I still participate in the general redemption?
Yes. The general redemption is for anyone who didn’t participate in the Member Appreciation Redemption, as well as everyone who participated in the Member Appreciation Redemption. but didn’t redeem a prize.
Will you announce the date/time in advance?
Yes. The date for the Member Appreciation Redemption will be on February 25th. Wave Times will be available to those members who sign up.
What if I only want to participate in one particular wave-for example, wave 2?
If you purchase 3 chances, you are eligible to participate in waves 1, 2 and 3, in addition to the general redemption, or until you redeem a prize.
If you purchase 2 chances, you are eligible to participate in waves 2 and 3, in addition to the general redemption, or until you redeem a prize.
If you purchase 1 chance, you are eligible to participate in wave 3, in addition to the general redemption, or until you redeem a prize.
What if I sign up for these extra chances and forget to login during the event?
You must login during wave to participate. Logging in during the waves is your responsibility. We will not refund PTZ to people who forget to login during redemption waves.
Where will the redemption waves take place?
When the Member Appreciation Day waves begin, those who have reserved their access on the 18th will see PTZPlace.lockerz.com go LIVE, just as it has during the past two redemptions. They will be allowed to enter from this URL directly or through lockerz.com, while members who have not signed up, will not be able to login.
Will I receive a pass or receipt by email if I sign up for the Member Appreciation Redemption?
No. Your email address will be recorded and only those who are participating in the Member Appreciation Redemption will see the site go LIVE during the wave times. Your email address and Lockerz combination is your pass.
May I purchase extra chances and give them to someone else?
No. Chances may only used by the member who purchased them. You cannot “gift” them to someone else.
Can I sign up for more than one opportunity?
No, you can only choose one, so select carefully.
So who does this benefit? It gives those users that have accumulated a lot of points during the course of the year, but have yet to have the opportunity to use their points. Furthermore, it gives Lockerz an easy way to “flush” away bulk points from users. This ends up being a win-win situation for both parties, since users will be able to use their excess points to almost “guarantee” a prize, while Lockerz gets to clear points that would equate to something ranging from a video game to a Xbox.
What am I going to do? Well, I still have yet to redeem anything here, but have accumulated quite a bit of points so I’ll most likely be spending 100 or 250 points on the extra redemptions. What is your opinion on the matter?
Thanks a bunch for reading and if you like what you’re reading, please subscribe to my blog!
Is Lockerz a Scam? Part 6
We’re days away from the official launch of Lockerz, and the Lockerz team has posted a note regarding the worries many users have been having on gift availability.
Feel free to read below:
Greetings Lockerz Members worldwide.
Your team at Lockerz.com is excited about our first global PTZ Place event coming this Thursday, October 15.
As many of your know, Lockerz is still in its beta stage and will be even after we launch our site’s full functionality. Every day, with your help and input, Lockerz becomes a better site, a better community and a bit more worthy to earn the right to be your home page one day in the future.
We’ve worked very hard on the following rules and logistics to help ensure that 10/15 is as fair and inclusive as possible. As much as we’d love to satisfy every wish for every member, we can’t — but we can endeavor to be as fair and responsive as humanly possible.
We have also struggled with the reality that there are a portion of Lockerz members who, despite our best efforts and granting of second chances, continue to try and cheat or disrespect the integrity of the Lockerz community and its amazing members. We, at Lockerz, feel a strong sense of responsibility and passion for protecting the interests and rights of our more than one million legit members, worldwide in 185 countries.
As a result, we’ve made some new rules for this posting to ensure that we can quickly shut down and manage those who do not participate with a sense of fair play nor belief in what we are trying to build together.
There is no perfect system yet and we recognize that some may be disappointed ultimately despite our best efforts. Rest assured that we will continue to solicit your feedback and learn from both your good ideas and our own missteps.
With that spirit in mind, here are new rules and details for 10/15 (which will actually bleed into 10/16 to allow for four separate time postings).
1) We have hundreds of thousands of prizes for this redemption in total but the most popular electronics and other gifts will run out again quickly and need to be restocked for the next PTZ Place posting in November (date to be announced soon).
2) We are restocking many of the prizes posted on 9/15/09, and we won’t raise PTZ levels on these prizes.
3) We have also added new prizes, many of which were suggested by Lockerz members.
4) Absolutely no exchanges, no returns, no cancellations and no PTZ refunds on prizes. Please select very carefully.
5) To allow as many members as possible to redeem:
a. Members are only allowed one (1) item over 50 PTZ per day. If you violate this rule, your order will be cancelled and your account will be subject to cancellation.
b. No redemption of two of the same items on the same day.6) We are working on a longer-term strategy for European PAL electronics rules that we hope to have secured in a few weeks. For now, we are offering Amazon.com girt cards for global members to purchase their favorite electronics and other items on amazon.co.uk, amazon.co.fr or other global Amazon sites.
7) Prizes will be restocked 4 times:
10/15/09 at 6PM EDT
10/15/09 at 9PM EDT
10/16/09 at 7AM EDT
10/16/09 at 1PM EDTShipping
1) Please allow 2-3 weeks for shipping in USA. Please allow 3 weeks for shipping outside of USA.
2) All items other than iSkins and t-shirts will be sent via UPS. A tracking number will be provided for all UPS shipments.
International shipping
1) Lockerz is now shipping globally to every country in its dropdown menu!!
2) All US and Global shipping is still FREE for this event!
3) Every package sent internationally will be labeled as a “gift.” This should eliminate or significantly reduce any import duty or tax in the vast majority of countries. However, Lockerz cannot be responsible for paying any further fees or tariffs imposed by a recipient’s local government.
4) For our Brazil members, your country does not allow “gifts” to be shipped without fees or tariffs. We are in the process of creating an alternative shipping and distribution strategy for you to solve this problem. This will delay your order by up to 21 days but it should be worth it!
Important other rules and info:
1) We have added two catpchas (security codes) to the redemption process to help protect security of the transaction as well as ensure accuracy of typing.
2) All addresses must be entered accurately and be consistent with member’s profile address. Failure to do so will result in cancellation of the prize order.
3) No exchanges, returns, no cancellations or PTZ refund on prizes.
4) Use of any bots, cheats or fraud will result in immediate order AND membership cancellation.
5) Due to our growth and how busy we’ve been with building new functionality for our existing site, we are not launching the full Lockerz website for a few weeks. Please stay tuned for more details.
6) Have fun.
Prizes and PTZ Levels
Product # of Points NecessaryVespa 7,500
GCH Lockerz VIP Package 5,000
Flat Screen TV 3,000
MacBook Air, 13-inch, Aluminum 2,500
MacBook Pro 13″ 1,500
MacBook 13-inch 1,000
Burton Snowboards 850
New iPod Touch 64GB 800
HP Mini 110-1025DX 800
Dell Inspiron Mini 10 inch Computer 750
New iPod Touch 32GB 700
PSP Go 675
Game Systems (Xbox 360 Elite) 675
Game Systems (PS3 Game System Slim 120GB) 625
iPod Touch 32GB 600
Cameras 500
Apple TV 500
Time Capsule 500
Marc Jacobs Handbags 500
“Surprise Cool Gift” 500
Write A “Daily” Question 500 500
Beatles Rockband LTD 450
Apple Active Pack 450
New ipod Nano 16GB 425
Ripsticks 375
Beatles Rockband Value 375
DSI Game System 375
T3 Bespoke Labs Hair Dryer 350
Smart Parts Guns 325 – 450
Sunglasses 335
iHome Docking Station 325
iPod Touch 8GB 325
Portable DVD 300
Farouk Chi Ceramic Flat Flat Irons 300
ipod Nano 8GB 300
Ruffian Scarves 300
iTunes Gift Card- Silhouette 250
X Box Microsoft Gift Cards 250
Wii Fitness with Board 250
Wii Fit 250
Wii – Sports Game Included 250
Razer eXactMat- Duo Precision Gaming Surface 150
Mobile Me 225
PSP Rock Band Bundle 200
Ratchet & Clank Bundle 200
Flip Video 200
iPod 4BG Shuffle 200
iPod Dock + Karaoke System 200
G Shock Watches 200
Amazon Gift Cards 125-500
SkullCandy Headphones 125-175
iPod 1 GB Shuffle 150
Hi-Lo Combination Converter/Transformer Kit 150
Orange Amps 125
Fredrick Fekkai Hair Products 85
Bare Minerals Make Up 85
House of Harlow Jewelry 85
Ruffian Books 85
Nail Polish Sets 75
Alex and Ani Jewelry 75
Gym Class Heroes Lockerz Tickets 75
Baggu Bags 50
Dylan’s Candy Assorted Items 50
USB Ports 40
iPhone Skins 35
Lockerz Wall Paper 15
Demon’s Souls Standard Edition PS3 100
UFC 2009 Undisputed – PS3 100
NBA 2K10 100
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen – PS3 100
Grand Theft Auto IV – PS3 100
Guitar Hero Aerosmith – PS3 Game 200
Kill Zone 2 – PS3 100
Saw 3 – PS3 100
Star Wars Clone Wars Republic Heroes PS3 100
Batman Arkham Asylum – PS3 100
Guitar Hero 5 Guitar Bundle – PS3 200
Madden NFL 2010 – PS3 100
Dirt 2 – PS3 100
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 – PS3 100
Need for Speed Shift – PS3 100
NHL 2010 – PS3 100
God of War: Chains of Olympus PSP 100
KillZone: Liberation – PSP 100
Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories – PSP 100
Dirt 2 – PSP 100
Gran Turismo – PSP 100
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 – PSP 100
Naruto Shippuden: Legends Akatsuki PSP 100
NBA 2K10 PSP 100
NBA 2010 PSP 100
Need for Speed Shift – PSP 100
Star Wars Clone Wars Republic Heroes PSP 100
Final Fantasy: Dissidia – PSP 100
Madden NFL 2010 PSP 100
Grand Theft Auto IV – X360 100
Shaun White Snowboarding – X360 100
UFC 2009 Undisputed – X360 100
EA SPORTS Fight Night Round 4 – X360 100
Prototype – X360 100
NBA Live 2010 360 100
NBA 2K10 360 100
Call of Duty: World at War – X360 100
Batman Arkham Asylum – X360 100
Guitar Hero 5 Guitar Bundle – X360 200
Halo 3 ODST 100
Madden NFL 2010 – X360 100
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 – X360 100
Need for Speed Shift – X360 100
NHL 2010 – X360 100
Saw – X360 100
Star Wars Clone Wars Republic Heroes 360 100
New Super Mario Bros. – DS 100
Pokémon Platinum – DS 100
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box – DS 100
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 – DS 100
Scribblenauts – DS 100
Star Wars Clone Wars Republic Heroes DS 100
Naruto Shippuden: Ninja Destiny – DS 100
Mario & Sonic @ Olympic Games – DS 100
Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010 – Wii 100
Game Party 3 – Wii 100
Guitar Hero 5 Guitar Bundle – Wii 200
Madden NFL 2010 – Wii 100
Sports Resort with motion plus – Wii 100
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 – Wii 100
NBA 2K10 – Wii 100
NHL 2K10 – Wii 100
World of Warcraft – PC 100
Grand Theft Auto IV – PC 100
Hearts of Iron III – PC 100
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood – PC 100
That was quite a lot of information packaged into a single post. If you didn’t take the time to read the whole thing. Here’s the abridged version:
Prizes will be restocked 4 times:
10/15/09 at 6PM EDT
10/15/09 at 9PM EDT
10/16/09 at 7AM EDT
10/16/09 at 1PM EDTTo allow as many members as possible to redeem:
a. Members are only allowed one (1) item over 50 PTZ per day. If you violate this rule, your order will be cancelled and your account will be subject to cancellation.
b. No redemption of two of the same items on the same day.
Also, international shipping is going to be finally available, so all you international members can finally rejoice! Make sure to redeem your “bigger” items first, so you’ll still be able to redeem another “big” item on subsequent days.
Personally, I can’t wait until Thursday/Friday, because I’m pretty sure, like most of you, I’ll get something awesome then.
Feel free to contact me if you are interested in joining! Make sure to put “Lockerz Invite” in your title or something of that sort so I don’t miss your request.
Thanks a bunch for reading and if you like what you’re reading, please subscribe to my blog!
Is Lockerz a Scam?
The Get Paid To community has been in an uproar after the launch of a new rewards based site–Lockerz.
Questions have been brought up about the legitimacy of a site that rewards you for doing just about anything.
So what is Lockerz?
Lockerz.com is a brand new site that rewards you for just about everything you do. Registration is very easy and members can earn points extremely quickly. One of the main reasons why its popularity is spreading so rapidly is because it’s very easy to earn enough points to redeem a variety of merchandise. This includes MacBooks, Designer Handbags, Video Games, iPods, Nintendo Wiis and much more.
How it works
You can earn points in 3 ways:
1. Logging in each day.
2. Answering the question of the day.
3. Referring new members.
For example, in the first day alone, I got 23ptz through registration, 2 ptz for signing in, and another 2 ptz for answering the question of the day. All this for a grand total of 27pts! What does this all mean? Well, I can already redeem many videos games such as GTA4, which is priced 25pts!
Is Lockerz.com a legitimate website?
As a testament to the legitimacy of Lockerz.com, its CEO, Kathy Savitt, used to be Vice President at Amazon.com and the CMO at American Eagle. Lockerz.com major financial contributors is Liberty Media, which owns a major part of Time Warner, which is the firm that supports Bodybuilding.com and QVC.
Currently, Lockerz is in beta and access is invitation only.
To get an invite:
1)Please subscribe to my blog!
I only get a certain number of invites per day, and want to focus on rewarding my loyal readers.
2)Please contact me if you are interested in joining! Make sure to put “Lockerz Invite” in your title or something of that sort so I don’t miss your request. I’ll make sure to double check with my email subscription list to insure that you’ve subscribed to my blog.
Thanks a bunch for reading and if you like what you’re reading, please subscribe to my blog!
It’s Monday and here I am bringing you another great way of making some extra cash online. Today, we take a break from the norm and venture outside the land of GPTs. Swagbucks is not like your typical GPT as it does not have any offers. Instead, you earn rewards by doing what you already do online–searching.
That’s right folks, Swagbucks rewards you for using their search engine and why not get rewarded for something you already do? Their search engine happens to be powered by both Google and Ask so the quality of search results is guaranteed.
Swagbucks has a variety of prizes for you to choose from. These include, gift cards, IPods, memorabilia, video games, cash, and much much more. Not only that, but Swagbucks has loads of contests each and every week that give out hundreds of Swagbucks.
Personally, I’ve cashed out $25 in Amazon gift cards in a matter of a month.
So what are you waiting for? Click here to join today!
Thanks a bunch for reading and if you like what you’re reading, please subscribe to my blog!
Squishy Cash
Squishy Cash is a fairly popular GPT site and has become one of my current favorites. Squishy cash has paid over $160,000 to its users during its time with us. But what makes Squishy Cash different from all the other GPTs out there?
Squishy Cash has tons of contests going on at the same time. They are one of the only GPTs out there that has daily contests that gives you bonuses for doing things you already do! For instance, they have a promotion where for every offer you complete, you get an additional $1 deposited into your account! Not only that, but they also feature huge monthly contests that test your ability to make money as well as get referrals. Every month, Squishy Cash publishes a calendar that details all of the activities and contests they are planning for their users and allows you to easily plan our your adventures with Squishy Cash.
Squishy Cash offers a fairly typical referral breakdown. You’ll earn 20% of your 1st level referral’s offer earnings, 5% of your 2nd level’s and 2% of your 3rd level’s. But what separates them from other GPTs is their use of their VIP rewards. There are 4 levels of VIP rewards: silver, gold, platinum, and diamond. Each level grants you and increase in your referral percentage as well as a monthly cash deposit into your account balance. By the time you reach diamond status you will be making 40% of your first level referrals as well as $50 per month.
Sign Up Bonus
Squishy Cash has one of the most generous sign up bonuses I have encountered in time with GPT sites. They offer a $10 sign up bonus as well as 5 “chips”. Chips are used to play various Squishy Cash games and can then be turned into cash and prizes.
Cash out is $20.00 via Paypal, check, or Amazon.com; Payments made once a month on the last day of the month
Squishy Cash is a great addition to the GPT society and has allowed thousands of its users to make a quick buck online. Join today! Click here or the banner at the top of the article.
Thanks a bunch for reading and if you like what you’re reading, please subscribe to my blog!