I'm always seeking ways of making money and look forward to sharing them with you. Join me on my quest to the pot of gold at the end of the internet rainbow!
Posted By Tony on March 5th, 2010

Hey guys, I’ve introduced Swagbucks to you guys in the past and here I am again, giving you an update on Swagbucks. Swagbucks just had its 3-year anniversary and with it came a load of updates. Swagbucks continues to provide a search function for its user, but you also get PAID for searching. As you […]


Lockerz Play is Now LIVE!

Posted By Tony on February 21st, 2010

Lockerz Invite

Lockerz has finally released a new feature on their site–Play. Here’s a quick rundown on play, users get rewarded 2 – 4 points depending on whether or not you are a Z-List member when they finish watching a video and then enter a CAPTCHA phrase. You can do this once per video, and there isn’t a limit on how many you can do. So this is a great way of earning extra points for redemption!

The only downside of this new feature that I could of think of is that this could be a sign of an increase in prices at the PTZPlace. Why you ask? Well, by giving us an additional way of earning points, Lockerz is introducing more points into the population and this would be a perfect way for them to announce that prices will also be raised. Let’s hope this doesn’t happen, but I could totally see this happening in the near future.

Feel free to contact me if you are interested in joining! Make sure to put “Lockerz Invite” in your title or something of that sort so I don’t miss your request.

Thanks a bunch for reading and if you like what you’re reading, please subscribe to my blog!

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One Response to “Lockerz Play is Now LIVE!”

  1. Jon says:

    I’m sure you have seen but if not the prices did raise. They quadrupled. I hope its not permanently

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